Saturday, August 2, 2014

Day 5: Water Skiing in Sætre.

Still in Sætre and today Tone had breakfast with us, but then she left, however I guess we will see her again in this trip.

We were to water ski in the morning, but Tore had to fix Leyla, who had a leakage of water and diesel. And then there was a problem in the "Banjer'n" so we delayed the skiing to around 3 o'clock. During our wait, Maria, Adrian and I took a bath with soap and shampoo.

Maria, Adrian and I wanted to go water skiing and Tore took us on Raskesara (the racing boat) a couple of hundred meters away from Marie. Eline, Bjørn Sigurd and the others followed us on September to take pictures and watch us fail. As Maria and I never water skied Tore brought the "beginners" skis, which were too small for Adrian's and mine feet, therefore only Maria got to ski today. She did pretty good for her first time water skiing. 

Later, Adrian and I went for a walk through the metropolis of Sætre. In the mean time, everyone else had a little snack called "rømmegrøt". When we returned, Bjørn Sigurd and Wenche went for a walk and Ann Iren, Maria and Rebekka went shopping for tonight's dinner, sushi. And we helped them carry the bags. half an hour later Ann Iren, Eline and Tore left to go pick up Bjørn Sigurd and Wenche and then all of them went for a little cruise on September through some islands nearby. Maria, Adrian and I fished for a bit, but didn't catch anything (unless a patch of algae counts as "something"; if so, I caught "something"). While waiting for the adults to return we played some card games (Monopoly and Fantasi).

And we had an awesome dessert after dinner, brownies with chocolate fudge!

The "kids" playing the board game Fantasi.

Rebakka taking everyone to see Maria water ski.

Maria, being a beginner at water ski, is doing pretty good!

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