Monday, July 28, 2014

Unnofficially the first day of the cruise

Today Eline, Tore and I made the last clean up to Levebåten Marie before all the guests would arrive. That meant that I had to move from the lower deck to Raskesara, which meant I had to pack all my things and take them to Raskesara. I thought I had to be finished before 3 o'clock, the (alleged) time Bjørn Sigurd, Wenche, Maria and Rebekka were to arrive.

---5 hours later---

The family arrived! But this wasn't before Adrian, Ann Iren's son, came to join us in the cruise. Anyway, the nine of us had a big dinner and Eline gave us the chores we are supposed to carry through this trip. As you can guess, mine is to write a blog telling you, the reader (who might be a family member or someone on the cruise judging me), about our adventures on the best boat ever, Levebåten Marie.

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